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Insulation Installation
Keep Your House Cooler In The Summer, And Warmer In The Winter
The purpose of having proper insulation installed is to regulate the flow of heat inside of your home, keeping the temperature in one space from leaking into the other.
Inadequate insulation can cause higher energy bills along with uncomfortable temperatures in your home.
What is home insulation?
Insulation blocks heat from entering the home in the summer and holds heat in during the winter.
It’s a thermally resistant barrier which inhibits the migration of thermal energy into and out of the house. The results are a cooler home in the summer, warmer home in the winter, and lower energy bills.
It’s that simple and it really works.
Insulation is so effective that its cost is often paid for through energy savings in less than a year…and with the rising cost of natural gas and electricity, savings may come even sooner!

One of our professionals will recommend the type of insulation and R-value that’ll work best for your project and comply with California current insulation codes and standards. The R-value indicates the insulation’s ability to resist heat flow – the higher the R-value, the greater the insulating power.
For the average home owner, removal and replacement of insulation can be a very labor-intensive, difficult and possibly dangerous process.
The wise choice is to leave this tricky process to the professional at Super Attic Solutions. Our proffesionals are fully certified and heavily experienced with insulation replacement; we have the equipment and knowledge to handle any insulation job.
How insulation works:
During the summer the suns powerful rays radiate down onto our homes, the roof and walls heat up and the temperature in the attic can rise to nearly 170 degrees.
This heat enters the home and causes things to become quite warm and uncomfortable. You then have two choices….turn on the air conditioning and watch the electric meter spin, or suffer with the heat. Homeowners often complain of an air conditioning system that runs all day and never cools the house below 80 degrees.
This is typical of a poorly insulated home, the heat is entering the home at about the same rate as your air conditioning can cool it.
The solution is to reduce the heat-load and block the heat from coming into your home.
Insulation installed in your attic and walls will dramatically reduce the amount of heat entering your home; the house stays cooler longer into the day and the air conditioning, when it does come on, runs much less often.
Insulation makes a huge difference in the winter, it’s amazingly effective when it comes to retaining heat. Just as insulation can block heat from entering the home in the summer, it too works in the same way to keep the heat contained within the home during the winter. Homeowners frequently complain of cold homes and furnaces that run continuously. This is because the heat is escaping about as fast as the furnace can produce heat. Once insulated, heat is retained within the home for hours longer. The result is a warmer home that uses much less energy to stay warm.
Insulation Removal
When do I need to remove my insulation?
Insulation can become damaged beyond repair. It may need to be removed due to rodent infestation, dirt, debris, or damage caused by remodeling or construction.

What causes damage to insulation?
Rodents by nature have a tendency to follow their own scent. When rodents such as mice, rats, squirrels, raccoon, and possums nest in your attic/crawl space their feces and urine is absorbed in the insulation attracting new rodents. This will lead to a larger scale infestation where rodents will cause damages other than insulation to things such as air ducts, electrical wiring, and much more.
Insulation can also be ruined by water causing mold, mildew, bad odors, etc.
Over time insulation deteriorates and causes a build up of dust which gets in to your home this may lead to sneezing, coughing, wheezing and other allergy symptoms.
Removing insulation is a hard and Labor intense project that requires specialized equipment and safety gear.
All of the technicians at Super Attic Solution are properly trained on every aspect of the attic cleanup, insulation removal and insulation installation.
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